Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Preparation Information
If you are having just a gastroscopy (and not a colonoscopy), there is no need to take a bowel preparation. But, do not eat anything for 6 hours before your procedure and do not drink anything for the last 2 hours before your procedure. If you are having both a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy at the same time, you need to take a bowel preparation.
The preparation instruction will be emailed to you by the secretary. Please follow the instructions carefully. The quality of preparation in many way determines the success of the test.
Taking a preparation is not easy, but please follow these instructions to maximize your benefit. Your colon must be free of stool. Good preparation is essential. If polyps, cancers, or other diseases are present, they are more likely to be found if the preparation is excellent. In addition, the risks of the procedure decrease. (From the doctor’s view, good preparation is like driving on the highway on a clear and sunny summer day, but with poor preparation, it can be like driving through dense fog or in freezing rain).
General Information
Please arrive at the Clinic half an hour before your procedure time. This is for the nurses to admit you and to cross-reference your documentation. We do our best to remain on schedule, but sometimes we may be behind schedule because of many possible reasons (people arriving late, difficult procedures that take longer than planned, unexpected or rare findings, etc). Thank you in advance for your understanding if this happens. We will do our best to contact you as soon as possible should there be significant delays or schedule changes.
After Your Procedure
Arrange for someone to drive you home. This person should be available no later than one hour after your procedure starts. For safety reasons, please make sure that we are able to contact this person at all times while you are in the Clinic. You will be unable to operate a motor vehicle for 24 hours following your procedure. Likewise, do not engage in activities that require alertness (such as cycling, using power tools, etc.) or make important decisions for 24 hours after having sedation.